Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The mountain breeze
Sways the leaves
Rustling gently
And one feels this soft movement
Only because of the stillness
Around it.
It is this stillness that breathes
Through the mountains.

A distant bird
Sings to itself
And one hears this song
Only because of the silence
In the deep valley
It is this silence
That defines the sound.

The sliver of ray
Dances through the shadows
Scattering tiny pebbles of light
And one sees this shimmer
Only because of the surrounding space.
This space shifts and grows
Around the beam.

This world moves, breathes, breaks, does, lives, loves
And ends
Because of this vast
Silence, space and stillness.
Through it rises light and colour
Form and fluidity
The depth of darkness and the brilliant blue of the sea.
From it emerges
The contours of imagination
The cycles of life
And the moon and stars
the wide blue of the skies
and that one blinding moment of eternity.

Monday, March 9, 2009


There’s nothing really
That you’ve give me
Only that which I’ve taken.
I’ve added the song to my smile
With your words.
Your voice, I’ve resonated with
A thousand stars
That shine through the deep darkness of my soul.
Your presence, I’ve expanded
To fill my universe.
You are as much as my imagination
Carves and creates
To fit a void
That life alone cannot fill.
Stretching to blur the boundary
Between what is and what could be.
I sometimes stand at this thin line
Staring in part horror and pride.
For I have made you what you are
Larger than life and omnipresent
But what if I start believing in you,
My muse, my creation,
The one that I have given
Depth and dimension
Strength and silence
What if you now push me
Across this precipe
And become more powerful
Than me?